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New Jersey Intellectual Property Law Association (NJIPLA)

Embrace the New Changes – Pharmaceutical Patent Protection in China

  • 11/03/2021
  • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM (EDT)
  • GoToWebinar


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35th Annual Pharmaceutical/Chemical Patent Practice Update Webinar Series

Earn up to 1.0 Professional CLE for NJ/NY/PA

Tina Tai, Co-head of Patents at King & Wood Mallesons, will provide an overview of the recent changes in Chinese patent law relating to the patent linkage system, patent term extension (PTE), and patent term adjustment (PTA). Tina will also discuss patent drafting and prosecution strategies and other IP considerations in view of these new changes.

Member Free | Non-Member $45.00


Tina Tai, Co-head of Patent, King & Wood Mallesons

Tina Tai specialises in patent agency, patent invalidation and patent infringement, especially in the pharmaceutical field. Ms. Tai has more than 28 years’ experience as an IP practitioner. She worked with one of China’s largest IP firms for a long time as an executive before joining KWM. [Read more]

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Chemical Practice Co-Chairs J. Eric Thies, Organon & Co. and Suja Vathyam, Botos Churchill IP Law LLP

Tina Tai, Co-head of Patents at King & Wood Mallesons